Well, I haven't animated for my project for a while cuz I was a little busy. Now I continue. Also there's still a place in the collab I'm considering too.
Echo collab 3 progress
-liuzirui1122 (1/3)
-Tr3yo (0/2)
-juanford66 (4/4) [DONE]
-Potatoa (1/2)
-GDop26 (1/2)
-FrostySlash (1)
-Scorcherz (0)
-ZaracaM (1)
-NightAT (2/2) [DONE]
-heragij (3/3) [DONE]
-ThaMan42 (0)
-leRaptor (0)
Well I found there can be added any number of people so if you want to join just ask me!
Total parts: 14
Members: 12
Deadline: June 15th.
Madness Inevitability Progress:
04.01 1074 frames. Totally 5 kill.
Edit: Hey test from my project! Go watch!
Edit:Wow collab going so great! Just yesterday we got 4 parts!
Edit:I made a test with new sprites! They look like xomfgx's one cuz I like it. But I didn't copy I just imitate :) Watch!
Edit: I add you guys to the project system! Click approve!
do u belive this some but hole just told me that i cant draw and that i cant animate omg im so mad D:<
but i banned him and i deleted his comment
That's your things don't talk to me..