Test in 1 hour. Gun by my friend
Dead project at scene 2. Kinda unoriginal and bad so won't finish it.
That's all things I can post until now. But I'll be back in January (I have winter vacation).
Animator, Composer, Game Designer, Webmaster, Programmer, Dreamer.
Age 27, Male
Full-stack developer
Joined on 7/12/11
Posted by liuzirui1122 - September 2nd, 2012
Test in 1 hour. Gun by my friend
Dead project at scene 2. Kinda unoriginal and bad so won't finish it.
That's all things I can post until now. But I'll be back in January (I have winter vacation).
Posted by liuzirui1122 - August 25th, 2012
Each week will only have a-half-day off for me.. So I won't be in NG often.
I tried my best to finish 3 collab part for Dj-janer and Mysterman. There may not be more part..
Posted by liuzirui1122 - August 6th, 2012
I'm gettin' lazy these days so I can't make any big project.. I'm afraid I won't finish all the project or collab parts.
Short movie status.
Scene: 2
Saucy of my sprites
Posted by liuzirui1122 - July 31st, 2012
Someone in my country made this plugin in Chinese.And I translated it into English. It's useful for those collab hosts to download this plugin. It can rename the sprites in the library automatically,easily and quickly.
-Download and unzip it.
-Open your flash(Any version). Open or create a file. Click "Command"-"Run command". And find "rename.jsfl" which you unzipped just then.
-Input the prefix and the initial coding.
(Eg. I have 10 sprites in the library. I input prefix "Liuzirui_", inital coding "3". Then they'll be renamed as "Liuzirui_3","Liuzirui_4","Liuzirui_5" .... "Liuzirui"12" )
-Complete renaming.
If you have over 1000 sprites in the library. Then maybe you should wait a few second.
Sorry if I translated or explained it bad. Or there was already this kind of plugin and many people knew.
Posted by liuzirui1122 - July 21st, 2012
If's interesting that just after my collab released, people started to think about the meaning of "original". Okay I'll try to make my next project and collab part more creative.
Madness Depletion Collab 2(?) by MysterMan948 [1/2] [50%]
Madness Corruption Collab by Dj-Janer [1/3] [Making 33%]
Madness Impact. A cooperative project by NightAT , Heragij and me. [Scene 3]
And I'll make some test these days.
Edit:Test1 with Kenamii sprites.
Edit: Watch this awesome video!
Edit: LOL I "Killed" 53,594 ppl in nexus and get the medal. HAHAHAHAHA
New Screeny! How about the background I made :3?
Posted by liuzirui1122 - June 28th, 2012
I have put 15 parts into a file. Test it! it is part 1. And I'll make part 2 too.If you wanna see ask me for beta tester.
Now I'm only wait for Scorcherz's part!
-liuzirui1122 (3/3) [DONE]
-Tr3yo (2/2) [DONE]
-juanford66 (3/3) [DONE]
-Potatoa (2/2) [DONE]
-GDop26 (2/2) [DONE]
-FrostySlash (1/1) [DONE]
-Scorcherz (1/2)
-ZaracaM (2/2) [DONE]
-NightAT (2/2) [DONE]
-heragij (3/3) [DONE] [Delete one bad]
-Grabel168 (4/4)
-Ellvis (2/2) [DONE]
-Delamortes (1/1) [DONE]
-Dj-janer (1/1) [DONE]
Total 29 parts.
I have a project for madnessday too.
Status: 280 frames 4 kill
Edit: Stick test!
Edit: Stick test 2
Edit: I got a tablet and just made a little fbf test. Not good I can't use it skillfully.
Edit: New art.
Posted by liuzirui1122 - June 20th, 2012
Echo 3 is going great with 22 parts. But when I put about 15 parts into a file I can't export it anymore. I tried lots of times and ways but still can't. So I'm going to try other better computer. If still can't maybe I have to separate the collab into 2 parts.
-liuzirui1122 (2/2) [DONE]
-Tr3yo (2/2) [DONE]
-juanford66 (3/3) [DONE]
-Potatoa (2/2) [DONE]
-GDop26 (2/2) [DONE]
-FrostySlash (1/2)
-Scorcherz (1/2)
-ZaracaM (1/2)
-NightAT (2/2) [DONE]
-heragij (3/3) [DONE]
-Grabel168 (6/6) [LOL I'll pick some out]
-Ellvis (1/1) [DONE]
-Delamortes (1)
-Dj-janer (1/1) [DONE]
Total 28 parts.
Oh well now I'm in Dj-janer's collab. Lol
Edit: Look at the author list system!
Edit: New walk test
Edit: ss of a project or something
Posted by liuzirui1122 - June 3rd, 2012
Nothing special to say.. Just want to make a new post.
And.. Collab members, you guys are so lazy as hell that haven't send me clips for almost a month. HURRY UP!! Just need 4-6 clips more.
Collab status:
-liuzirui1122 (2/2) [DONE]
-Tr3yo (2/2) [DONE]
-juanford66 (2/3)
-Potatoa (2/2) [DONE]
-GDop26 (2/2) [DONE]
-FrostySlash (1/2)
-Scorcherz (1/2)
-ZaracaM (1/2)
-NightAT (2/2) [DONE]
-heragij (3/3) [DONE]
-Grabel168 (0)
-Ellvis (1/1) [DONE]
-Delamortes (1)
-Dj-janer (1/1) [DONE]
Total 22 parts.
Juanford's collab [EXTERMINATION 2] [2/2] [DONE]
Kedar aka PotatoO's [INSURRECTION] [1/2]
Madness Impact [Scene 2]
Xaker's project FleshEaters [0%]
Edit: New Art
Edit: I'm bored so I made this lol
Edit: go for our finallest exam. Be back in 4 days :3 Also I quit randomes' shitty collab.
Posted by liuzirui1122 - April 27th, 2012
Heym, I know jeffbee has been delaying the collab. Because we have a lot of problems mixing parts, changing symbols' names ,cutting music and changing parts and such things. But I have uploaded the preview. You guys can go to the project site and see (must be the member)
Collab status:
-liuzirui1122 (1/3)
-Tr3yo (0/2)
-juanford66 (4/4) [DONE]
-Potatoa (2/2) [DONE]
-GDop26 (2/2)
-FrostySlash (1/2)
-Scorcherz (0)
-ZaracaM (1/2)
-NightAT (2/2) [DONE]
-heragij (3/3) [DONE]
-ThaMan42 (0/1)
-Grabel168 (0)
-Ellvis (0)
Edit: Well I just made a teststasfqe1efasqtezst
Edit: Screenie of my part. Lol poor POW gonna be the victim for testing the soldier.
Edit: Made a testtt
Edit: I finally finished the special project!!! 1000 frames + And don't expect more, the ending is so fast and silly. Here to watch